Sunday, March 6, 2011

Honda Ridgeline Backup Camera Aftermarket

strengthen their fight to stay alive and active.

unions throughout this planet are the only lifeline of workers versus employers, are the only ones allowed to stay in a relatively financial status and is the reason real sine qua non for not die so easily, at least here in the U.S., as I would like the opposition party. Moreover, when passing this revolt began in Wisconsin in order to end the right to discuss contracts, benefits and other, those same Republicans will fall into the hands of union members voting in any election politics and it is there, which paid the bill .

budget solution wrong?
Undoubtedly, almost every state of the American Union are going through a tremendously serious economic crisis intolerant BUDGET BE NECESSARY? with billions of dollars to red, which must find ways to reduce, eliminate and not to do the evil that they are now in the umbrako of bankruptcy but, fighting openly with the human and social power mean , trade unions, associations and federations of not only this nation but in Canada too, but the sympathy of the rest of the world is - in our concept - a mistake, not just how to tackle the problem but instead We believe that is nonsense alion not only short but long term, for several reasons. A political vote, injustice another massive power is dangerous after know their tactics, many more arguments.

Confrontation is negative, positive conversation.
Those who started these financial statements and have the experience of that conversation always get to an on derstanding, primary reason why the Governor of Wisconsin, creator of all this mess, got a series of positivoss return results where tax employee unions gave in interesting financial aspects, which will help greatly to reduce the red in its budget.
to insist, then, to finish with unions taking away the right to discuyir, discuss problems and reach an understanding keeping in the inalienable right to their pensions and benefits, which workers deserve tax.
Who told these Republican governors that teachers, for example, can continue using them as laboratory guinea financial target of its economic difficulties closing schools, pulling down wages, pensions and clearing to unemployed in incredible numbers?
That easily they forget the socio-political power of unions united in federations accustomed to fighting against employers looking for employees cheap, inexperienced and irresponsible, to industrial manufacturing sending their products to China, for example, creating a vicious unemployment in their own nation, with more brazen as possible regardless of the consequences of unemployment and the danger Asian companies using harmful materials, as happened with toys and certain foods.
True union power.
That easily ignore that unions are entrelasados \u200b\u200bwith the American Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) including workers from Canada and supported by all industrial corporations in the world as the IWW.
Tremendous political enemies, the Wisconsin Democrat senators know, its disappearance in Madison is the result of what it means politically to challenge the unions so.
The direction of the Republicans (known here as GOP) support the idea of \u200b\u200bScott Walker Governor to reduce the deficit but do not agree to scare the unions and told to be careful to what the governor did not answer at all but on the contrary, seeks to legally forcing Democratic lawmakers absent, hidden in Illinois, back to their positions for a final vote.
The story is not over. Take care of the union
will be many more as the days pass!

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