Saturday, February 19, 2011

Instructions On Making A Military Tank Cake

style revolution? Impossible! It is something that must have to do against injustice wage and benefits gained from their studies! Arabic

Teachers in Madison, (photo) capital of Wisconsin, State of cheese, milk and milk products, are going through a perfect and necessary ; revolution popular alqo that seems to be fashionable but in no case with the violence of Arabs subjugated by small kings, emirs, and others.
Protests in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states, are merely demonstrations of discontent, protests of indignation in a perfectly healthy democratic, more violent donate what could be their signs and some esposradicos cries of despair!

Imitation? Maybe! The same? NO!
same, in any case!
Not necessarily!
But if, could be the result of any psychological process, perhaps taking advantage of the circumstances or simply because the population believes that enough of political abuse, neglect, economic and Madison, also ignored Washington.
Read our comment will additional pressing here.

Population as innocent of defeat, like the rest!
The point is that for the second or third consecutive hundreds, thousands of people are protesting in the streets and shouting against the state capitol by the series of cuts planned by the Republican government in this state, of course , intended to alleviate its budget deficit, which is nothing new in all states of the troubled American Union, something that the population remains " paying for the broken dishes authorities! "
What is new, political skirmishes are some amazing, never expected, nor even suspected, when Senate Democrats decide to hide instead unknown, a site with lots of snow, announced an official spokesman, for not voting on a proposition involving accounts seriously cutting the population, especially school teachers.
Guinea India?
Of course!
even seems that teachers did not study paa teachers but to be "guinea India "
" laboratory guinea political" rather than pillars of education and what will be the result of efforts in this nation for his players when they grow up, those who always end up suffering unfair consequences, tragic, inmmerecidas, the not even tickle the debit frightening of these authorities are spending as if money were not will never end, that eternal belief that legislative budgets are in a kind of deaf ears with bills coming out of a hole at the bottom of the bag .
And look what
this happening!
Republicans in Washington are quite willing to expose the national economic recovery directly influence the president to grant more cuts on his intention to reduce the deficit, which is far from happening - even considering that would increase the deficit in more than 7,000 million in this decade, according to analysts. That
Wisconsin's senators have been hidden for not voting against major projects for their constituents, have the same proportions of what you're doing John Boehner, Chairman of the House of Representatives in Washington, because at the end of everything ... the question goes to the same basket, the same political division that in no case is healthy for anyone, which does not go anywhere but to the increased poverty that impasse in legislative decisions, the scandalous unemployment is hell per minute, the eternal problem of getting people behind whack whack for something that did not have, nor ever will have no fault.
What happened to happiness
in the Declaration of 76?
is about time someone told these ticklish lawmakers "to put the batteries," to get serious about this land we call USA of America, to not continue turning over in their graves the founding fathers, those who risked their lives not necessarily for political groups to misunderstand the principles of its Declaracopn of Independence, back in 1776, when the U.S. was 13 escualidos states that it has acquired rights population by birth and ... " that these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! " ... happiness that teachers can not have if they continue to cut their salaries, schools are closing their sites work, firing them without mercy or justice, women and men with the same nationality as the rights acquired by those same lawmakers have them abuse their long years of college, payable in a good economic situation at the end of their efforts and aspirations for so support their families with dignity and responsibility.
Corny, corny?
Possible, but a reality sine qua non , too!

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