Hello, today we will know to use SMTP connectors and setting them on an Exchange 2000/2003 organization.
An SMTP connector helps us for the following reasons:
- want to set the command ETRN / TURN server side or client.
- want to configure security on outgoing mail. Rather make emails that meet certain parameters to pass to be sent through a connector.
- want to prioritize sending emails to certain domains.
- Send command, negotiation SMTP HELO instead of EHLO.
- Limit outgoing mail by size, time (calendar)
- Establish costs for routing messages.
This time configure an SMTP connector for outgoing mail to the Internet in a personalized way. Normally the entrance / exit to the Internet mailing is done by the Front-End Exchange server. We consider the creation of connectors on servers that send emails to the Internet or certain domains.
- We entered the Exchange System Manager and right click the Exchange organization: Ex ExchangePro (Exchange) and mark the checks : Display Display Administrative Groups and Routing Groups.
- Expander: Administrative Groups, First Administrative Groups, Routing Groups, First Routing Group, Connectors.
- Right-click, select New SMTP Connector .
- assign a name to the connector. Eg Internet Connector.
- select the handles to resolve DNS name queries using this connector. You can select the mail forwarding using a smarthost. This time we will not use an SMTP server to forward mail.
- add the local Bridge Bridgehead or head. We select the Virtual SMTP server where they exit the post office. Remember it is through this server where mails are sent to configure destination domain. Therefore we consider necessary to permit the internal firewall for outgoing mail on port 25.
- Select the Address Space tab . then we click and select Add and type the SMTP address. Finally we write the destination domain name. Eg If we really want to go all mail through this connector type * in Address Space and 1 in cost. If for example we want through this connector are sent emails to hotmail.com, we must specify in Address space: hotmail.com and cost 1 (The cost is a criterion you).
- Select the scope of the connector: entire organization.
- Save Changes. I recommend you restart the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for the changes to take effect instantly.
Optionally you can configure these ocpiones on SMTP connectors
- delivery
- users Restriction:
- Send HELO instead of EHLO
- Shipping Options: specification of the time in which the connector will work sending emails.
- Content Restriction: Priorities, system messages, message size.
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