Hello, today we will learn to How to enable Exchange 2003 ActiveSync . ActiveSync is a Microsoft tool that allows us to synchronize your mailbox with a mobile device that supports Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0 or higher. This guide will set up ActiveSync through HTTP protocol. You can configure ActiveSync via HTTPS using certificates. To configure ActiveSync
we have the following requirements:
- The Exchange server must be upgraded to Service Pack 2. You can download SP2 from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=535bef85-3096-45f8-aa43-60f1f58b3c40&displaylang=en
- Have mobile devices with Windows Mobile 2003, 5 or higher. These devices include ActiveSync for synchronizing email. In addition to synchronizing e-mails can be made to a cable connected to the PC through a wireless network or through GPRS or Edge (Carriers).
Steps to enable ActiveSync on server side:
- Login to Exchange System Manager and expand Global Setting and click Properties on Mobile Devices.
- Enable all checks within Exchange ActiveSync. This will allow users to synchronize their mailbox organization, enable email notifications and DirectPush.
- can also enable the OMA (Outlook Mobile Access) is a feature of Exchange 2003, which allows users to view your mail using a mobile phone that supports WAP.
- We make sure that the ActiveSync work correctly on the server side. For them from the Exchange server itself or elsewhere to access the following URL: http://servidordecorreo/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync .
Steps to publish ActiveSync in the firewall or the ISA Server:
- ActiveSync traffic travels through the HTTP protocol (defined in this post) or via HTTPS (using certificates). If you already have OWA published on port 80, you no longer need this step.
- In our firewall or ISA Server should publish port 80, referring Server Exchange 2003 SP2 Front-End or giving face to the Internet.
- You can get more information about ActiveSync Publishing using ISA Firewall 2004/2006 as at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837354/en-us
Tests on mobile devices:
- mailbox synchronization using the PC as a bridge can be done if you download the ActiveSync 4.5 and installed it on the PC. Http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/activesync/activesync45.mspx
- ActiveSync can enter from the mobile device. And follow the wizard to configure the server address (published Internet eg http://mail.empresa.com/ ), the username and password (eg, domain \\ user and password), synchronize folders: Inbox, calendar, task, etc. More information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123822.aspx
If you have problems when you synchronize your mobile device can enter the following code page error: http://www.pocketpcfaq.com/faqs/activesync/exchange_errors.php
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