Friday, February 3, 2006

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Harnessing solar thermal protection

The hot water is the most ideal application for solar thermal systems use. It is important to design good support with conventional energy, and so it is really an auxiliary plug. It should follow a set of principles for the development of correct designs:
  • Capturing solar energy - is necessary to regulate the uptake of energy to convert it into useful energy, by measuring and comparing the temperature level in the collector and storage. By differential regulation can activate or stop the circulation pump. Eating
  • solar energy priority - By proper design of the storage system can support the use of solar energy priority. You can include a battery with electrical resistance regulated by a thermostat, which will act when the water temperature is less than the required temperature of hot water for consumption.
  • Ensure proper complementarity between solar and conventional - If the temperature level achieved with solar energy is often less than desired will add the required auxiliary power. Can be two cases:
  1. instant energy production support - The system is placed at the output of solar battery, is very practical when used in residential gas instantaneous water heaters household type, provided that the flame automatically adjust depending on the temperature of incoming water.
  2. support energy production in a separate battery - uses a smaller battery than the main points of consumption.
  • not collect solar energy with conventional - if the battery is only there that mix as little as possible, be achieved via a compartmentalized tank.


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