Comfort Thermal Sensation satisfactory physiological state where the child is made to perform physically demanding activities. Involved in thermal comfort comfort parameters (linked to the architectural space) and comfort factors (related to bio-physiological needs of each individual).
physical concepts involved in thermal comfort.
1) Heat transfer.
occurs if and only if the bodies are at different temperatures and from the higher temperature to lower. By equating the
temperatures produces thermal equilibrium. There
three ways of heat exchange by conduction, convection and radiation.
2) thermal inertia.
is the ability of the material to retain heat and transfer it slowly.
3) Delay heat.
is the time it takes a temperature difference to show up on the opposite surface to the enclosure.
4) thermal insulation.
resistance is an enclosure to transmit heat.
Thermal comfort is purchased as a set of variables and are related to the individual (activity performed, clothing, etc.), the surrounding environment (temperature, humidity and wind speed), or to the exterior walls with phenomena such as trap effect for example.
Variables related to the environment.
hygrothermal comfort in sedentary status of the following values:
- Air temperature (22-25 ° C)
- Relative humidity (30-60%)
- Air speed (0.5 m / sec)
- mean radiant temperature (the difference between air temperature and the heating should be less than 6 degrees C).
1) Moisture.
a) absolute humidity. is the amount of water containing an air mass. It is measured in grams of water / kg dry air.
b) absolute humidity of saturated air. is the maximum amount of water in vapor that is capable of containing a kg. Air at a given temperature.
c) Relative Humidity . is the relationship between absolute humidity and absolute humidity of saturated air for the same temperature. It is measured in a percentage that indicates how easily the air evaporates the water.
d) dew point. is the temperature at which air reaches saturation.
2) Temperature
a) radiant temperature. is the temperature inside a closed room.
b) mean radiant temperature. is the average of all surface temperatures related to their field. TMR = t1.Á1 +
t2.Á2 + ... + tn.Án/Á1 + A2 + ... + an
Variables related to exterior walls
1) transparent enclosures - Effect trap.
occurs when there is direct sunlight on glass which defines an enclosed building. The sun emits short-wave rays can penetrate glass. These rays to be reflected in objects are made of long wave, which prevents them from going back over the glass and remain inside, thus producing the effect trap that produces excessive heat within the room. The same is very desirable in cold periods but becomes unbearable in hot weather. To avoid it to avoid direct solar radiation which are used for blinds, roller shades, overhangs, umbrellas. These should be placed horizontally and vertically north face east and west facades because the rays come to these more horizontally.
2) opaque side and top enclosures.
For example incorporating air chambers as in the example of the double walls or materials such as air into a barbecue. (See item enclosures).
3) Ventilation.
ventilation is needed both by thermal and sanitary reasons. Hygiene throughout the year, to clear the air (oxygen), remove water vapor, odors and smoke, among others. In warm weather in addition to hygiene requirements have to think about heat, it is necessary to ventilate and cool the air and the body.
Regarding ventilation should consider three aspects, location, area, and how to open (eg a casement window allows a 100% chance of ventilation). When the windows are facing is a greater ventilation (air currents).
There are two types of ventilation as the period of the year:
a) Ventilation of winter.
- hygienic requirements.
- By top vents: The air stream is given above by preventing these people feel cold.
- The water vapor rises and is vented.
b) summer ventilation.
- hygienic and thermal requirements.
- Using low openings: The air stream passes by people cooling it.
In designing houses is very advisable to have the air flow bar from the bedroom and be to the bathrooms and kitchen.
A space must have natural light. For this to be of good quality should be diffuse, homogeneous (by way of not producing bewilderments and glare), without excess of shadows and contrasts.
factors affecting the lighting are:
a) orientation.
b) The factor day. The portion of outer space from the viewpoint of light that penetrates through the window. Is very connected with the size and location of the openings.
c) The amount of light. This requires control reflections (keep in mind the colors and textures), eaves and obstacles.
d) Quality of light.
e) Activities to be developed. As already said, in a classroom next to a window board seia not desirable because it would make it unusable.
windows and skylights face south receive little or no direct solar radiation which are used to gather indirect light without significant heat input.
is very important not to forget think when lighting the thermal aspects.
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