Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brokentooth With Lump

Item 11 stairs and ramps _

All step consists of treads and risers and determined the slope angle. There is a law, "Blondel Act, which establishes a relationship between the tracks and risers: 2CH + 1H = 64cm and being (alpha) angle of the slope: tan (alpha) = CH / H. The ideal relationship is CH = H = 18cm and 28cm.
Also, every 14-18 steps need to put a break whose length is three tracks. Calculations
for the design of a ladder.
eg If you want to place a ladder to rise three meters proceed as follows:
3m = 300cm (then) 300cm/18cm = 16.6 (always round up) (then) number of risers be 17 (then) 300cm/17 = 17.65 cm is the size of the risers.
is known 2CH + 1H = 64cm (then) 64cm - 2. (17.65) = H = 28.7 cm
The riser can not be greater than 18cm or smaller footprint than 28cm.
width dimensions depend on the fate of the ladder and project needs. In public buildings the width should be between 1.50 to 2.30 meters, in office from 1.30 to 1.50 meters, in collective dwellings if a lift will have a minimum of 1m, and if no limit is 1.20 meters, and finally the case of individual housing width of 0.8 m is correct.
Among the demands are the type of pavement should be resistant to wear, slip and submit security elements (handrails, for example).
ramps in turn, allow access to people with disabilities and require minimal effort. Its slope can not exceed 15 ° so it takes very long.

Brinks Home Security Safe Model 5056 Spin

Item 10 Item 9 _ _

Definition: The walls are undulating that limit and condition the spaces so they can fulfill the functions for which they were created. There are several classification criteria:
1) By Location
a. Interior - interior
b. Exterior - Interior
i. Higher
ii. Lower
side c. Exterior - Outdoor
2) By the way
flat i. Horizontal
ii. Vertical
inclined b.
curved i. Simple curvature
ii. Double curvature
3) For the behavior to light
a. B. Opaque
Transparent 4) For the actions
a. Structural (load bearing walls)
b. Nonstructural
5) Because of the mobility
a. B. Fixed
6) For the construction procedure
a. B. Continuous
The walls consist
discontinuous different functional requirements among which are:
· Delimitation of architectural space (already mentioned in the definition of closure)
· structural functions, for which stability must be considered. Balance, load transfer, its own structure and the relationship with the building so as to achieve continuity and get some stiffness (around cracks for example).
· Requirements conditioning heat, humidity, sound, lighting, electrical, health, etc.
· termination requirements.
Among the different types of wall will be studied:
are usually structural and opaque. This is the case of reinforced concrete slab whose horizontal dimensions are much greater than the thickness. The steel and concrete work together since the first "work" better traction and the second compression. Furthermore, the concrete is an excellent protector for steel (especially in places oxidize wet where possible). Another advantage is that the expansion coefficients have keeps the unit very similar to changes in temperature.
This slab will support both its own weight or loads of construction and use. All these will make the slab is subjected to bending stresses. The support they have can be both beams and walls.
The development is to produce concrete and pour it on horizontal wooden molds (form) and in about fifteen days is capable of stripping.
When light is necessary to save more, if you increase the thickness of the slab will also increase the weight therefore not desirable. What you do is try to lighten. Knowing that the compressed concrete in the steel top and pulls on the bottom, remove the concrete "idle" which is in the latter area. This type is called ribbed slab.
The development is to make the wooden casing, but are included pottery (which will be attached to concrete) and after stripping the holes are visible. Thermal conditions

is critical thermal aisalción good work in both directions, trying to keep the heat entering in summer and winter trying to escape.
The plan to have further consideration is the horizontal because it receives more direct solar radiation during the year. Concrete is a poor insulator so it is introduced, the walls of this material, materials that are characterized by insulators. One of the most common characteristic is the styrofoam because it contains air bubbles trapped inside. It is essential to avoid contact with water it loses its ability to wet. To protect is necessary to place a vapor barrier under the heat to prevent it from happening condense the steam and making it unusable. This vapor barrier is made up of plastics, nylon, aluminum, etc..
In turn there is another barrier, waterproof enclosure to protect the stormwater. For this, apply two measures, the first is to give a slope to the enclosure (one meter drop 1.5%) to evacuate water to flow and not get stagnant. The second barrier is itself waterproof. The materials used in this case are of asphalt, asphalt membrane is the most common. This, no treatment is black, so it absorbs a lot of heat. The solution found was aluminized to reflect the sun. This membrane asphalt aluminum roof works well in low-traffic, otherwise it is advisable to place a floor above (bricks, tiles, etc..). Consideration important is that between the barrier and the pavement is placed a board because they have a different expansion coefficient.
Finally at the bottom of the slab termination is usually done to hide the concrete ceiling set by the boards of enconfrado. The most common is rendered and painted but there are other options such as separating the ceiling of the slab and lower the height.

efforts are based on simple tension and compression. One example is the truss already mentioned in item 7. It consists of bars forming triangles and used when is necessary to cover large areas (terminals, gymnasiums, swimming pools, factories) but also used in smaller scales (bus stop, houses, barbecues). The material used for the aforementioned bars should work both compression and tensile, or may use different materials, such as those working bar in tension may be thin steel cables, but not those who are subjected to q compression will prevent sagging. Among the advantages we can mention the economic issue because of its weight and structural efficiency, since they are made of lightweight materials, technological developments, which allow assembly Dry reducing execution time and overall cost of foundation. In turn, the repair is very simple (replacing parts) and is aesthetically pleasing.
The structure consists of repetitive elements together by straps. To cover these structures need a "cap" that may be of different materials such as wood, sheet (there are various shapes and sizes and different materials, such as metal, cement, fribroasfálticas, plastic, glass, etc.). another valid option is the tile (and there are also ceramic, metal, asphalt, plastic, etc.)..
Demands are structural support its own weight, loads and wind potential (in the case of plates, tiles, etc. are placed in the opposite direction). structure support can be composed of rafters, trusses, beams, braces and other crosslinked systems worked in wood or iron. All items are fixed by hooks, screws, steel screws or nails and more.
Another type of requirement is more related to the tightness, ie, the waterproofing and sealing. For this lends considerable attention to the joints between pieces (ridge), to meet with other elements (eg walls), the storm drainage (drain pipes among others).
As for the environment demands, heat and sound, we can say that the first major problem is condensation and expansion. It is possible to solve by placing a thermal barrier to polyurethane foam. Also the color of termination, the air chamber, the vapor barrier is important.
Among the design or functional requirements include the definition of architectural space that can be given by bearing walls or not, and must address problems of thermal conditioning, humidity, acoustic and air. At the same time are important both to durability as the termination thereof.
In regard to the structure, whether motion could be made both by bearing walls or separate elements (for the use of beams, columns and other foundations) that give more design freedom and allows you to open spans much greater.
In the case of acoustic treatment is a duality: While for thicker walls, more massive, while the noise is isolated by air, not so with the impact noise that is spreading through solid objects. Over time the walls were lightening and increasingly resorted to the solution of double walls with air stagnant (better insulation for both noise and contributes to the thermal comfort).
Speaking of comfort, it is clear hygrothermal comfort, which refers to the temperature, humidity, air velocity and mean radiant temperature of surfaces.
Finally, it is also important as the color of the elements of termination, windows and lighting that help to make it nice and cozy to be there.
A problem that has not escaped the side walls is outside the influence of water can cause cracking caused by capillary action. To avoid the latter, we recommend adding sidewalks around the building.
the role is to classify the horizontal or vertical space and can be structural or not. There are two types: A) The horizontal and B) vertical.
A) Inside walls
Its horizontal functional requirements are related to the stability, conditioning and is sound, heat, light and health, and termination. The stability requirements are very similar to the upper enclosure interior-exterior, but the overhead on this is much higher. Can be heavy or lightweight concrete wood, iron, or both. It is usually supported by beams that are beneath the structure. In For heavy, it is intended that these have a wall thickness similar to filling to go unnoticed. If light can be seen or plugged by various mechanisms.
If you talk about soundproofing can say that the insulation of airborne noise is given by mass, so a lightweight enclosure would not be a good choice in buildings there is never a floor slab between floor and thinner than the eight inches. However, the impact noise will become more noticeable. Given that there are two immediate answers isolate mass discontinuity (either a floating slab, independent of structures and walls) or by resilient flooring such as carpet, vinyl, etc..
The thermal conditioning is provided by a radiant floor can be floor or ceiling. The ceiling is the most widely used although it spends more energy has to force the heat down. The heat is given by pipes through which hot water circulates. The floor is more effective in the sense that heat always goes from bottom to top. The big drawback is that you need thicker floor and eventually may lose a floor.
A bathroom on the concrete slab can be achieved in two ways, through a decrease in the slab or by a step. In the first, the structural slab 20cm down making it look in the apartment below. The hosts both subfloor drainage pipes and water distribution as sifoide box that has a siphon that prevents the passage of gases and odors. The slope for drainage pipes is 1.5%. The choice of stage makes 20cm increase the thickness of the subfloor. If you want the concrete slab remains continuous health care facility is below this. For the downstairs neighbor does not see the installation is placed a removable ceiling in case of breakage.
The latest requirements are the completion. Above the floor and are given the choice depends on several factors: Light (color and texture), acoustic (absorbent or reflective) Walkability (hardness, wear resistance, slip) hygiene (easy cleaning); aesthetic. Below the most common is to revoke the ceiling and paint it different colors and textures as lighting requirements, hygienic and aesthetic. There are also ceilings, above, which are suspended from the structural slab and may be removable or fixed.

For the construction of these fences are should make a big land clearing and grading and compaction as a way of achieving high horizontal and avoid gaps.
Loads receive this closure are as much the weight loads from construction and fixed equipment. If charges are not expected to be very large cyclopean concrete is used, but if great efforts using reinforced concrete.
The thermal conditioning depends on the thermal conductivity of pavement is used, while the light is connected with reflective surfaces that are either using the colors and textures. Acoustic can be noted that the land is good insulation from airborne noise, the impact can be addressed with discontinuities or resilient materials. The sound quality (echo and reverb) is amended by absorbing or reflecting surfaces, as to be obtained.
is also important to address the health needs with impermeable surfaces that can be washed, pending possible a good runoff, and always provide above where the facilities are housed.
Finally, you might want to consider opting for safety rough pavement.
termination elements specific to the lower walls are the sockets and gaskets. It is very important to achieve a good finish coordination between all the elements that were linked to enclosure.

These are what allow us to enter the spaces.
A Hollow is a hole in a window which provides a communication (passable or not) between two rooms or spaces. All vain can host an opening, this being a functional unit that is used to close, allowing some or all of the following functions: Lighting, ventilation, provide vision, make way
There are three types of openings:
1) The door that allows and eventually give way to air.
2) The window that offers the possibility of lighting, ventilation, and to give vision.
3) The door window satisfies all possible functions.
The materials which can produce are steel, aluminum, wood, plastic, glass, etc.
Every opening has certain components, which are the framework (fixed set of profiles that limit and divide the aperture and is in contact with the surface tack), the anchors and the blade (which can be both transparent and opaque) . Among the demands are
thermals, where the orientation, types of glasses, contact between the parties and external protections play a role. The lighting is also linked to the orientation while the dimensions of the enclosure, the type of glass and external protections among others. The soundproofing is its relationship with the type of glass, you can even put two letting air in between. Moreover if the insulation is placed double glazing and external protection such as shutters.
is important to control water leakage between the components of the aperture or even more between the opening and vain (cause more serious problems).
visual space perception also influences the human being and this affects the environment, the size and type of glass. It is possible to get that control privacy glass (mirrored glass), ie to carry out activities without being seen.
openings must support different actions (Wind, vibration, effort of use.) Finally, they should not fail to provide security to the user. Can not be an obstacle when having to evacuate emergency cases (eg fire) and must provide security against intruders (can have railings or other protections).
Within the different types of openings, we find those whose mobility is given from a drawing, either horizontal or vertical releasing 100% of span, or by sliding above or below and is released 50%.
Finally, it is important functionality for either clean it for everyday use or for any repair.

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Enclosures Water in Item 8 of the architecture

The water cycle consists of several steps:
1) Collection: There are several sources, such as from rainwater, surface (rivers, streams, lakes), groundwater.
2) Potability: potability conditions are divided into sensory (relation to the senses, must be colorless, odorless and tasteless), chemicals (SBI preset the presence and in what quantities of certain substances in water), bactericidal ( there is a high presence of bacteria allowed).
3) Storage: Bring the water to a high place to take the pressure. In Montevideo, the most important deposit is in the hill of victory.
4) Distribution: Water pressure is proportional to the height difference so that you can only supply water to lower areas. If you want to take the highest places requires the presence of a bomb. This is the case of buildings, which are needed two tanks, one above and one below, and through that pump sends water from the tank bottom to the top and from there is distributed each apartment. The big drawback is that if power is interrupted the supply of water, which requires a power generator.
5) Drain: is done by gravity, so the pipes should have certain pending, to evacuate both solids and liquids. The evacuation must be rapid and safe. There is a dynamic system that can be unitary (no holding tank to two meters below the road that will sewage and rainwater) or separately (the rain water goes down storm drains and sewage thrown into the River Plate). The other type is the static system, ie the presence of large reservoirs that are filled with sewage and must call the barometer for the drain. These collectors consist of two caps for a better seal.
The provision for bathrooms and kitchens are given through the tap. It uses a hydraulic siphon a matter of hygiene. This acts as a stopper that holds the passage of gases and odors.

Mixing Of Ice Cream Hair Dye

_ Soils and foundations

is very important to know what soil is made when a building. The same can be classified according to their size: 1) Gravel, 2) sand, 3) clays, 4) silt.
1) are those stony gravels from the progressive decomposition of rocks and its diameter is bounded between 0.2 cm and 1.5 cm. Can be obtained naturally or from chopped crushed rock in the quarry.
2) The sands are small grains that have more consistency in the depth, there is no bond between them and the charge is deformed instantaneously. Their size ranges from 0.02 mm to 2mm.
3) The limos are next in size between 0.02 mm and 0.002 mm and the excess water makes them ill to build as they have very little resistance to support.
4) The plates are small clay product of the disintegration of the soil. The presence of water causes small particles to adhere to each other which makes it by applying a force to slowly warp. As dimensions are talks of less than 0.0002 mm
The rock supports between 5-40kg/cm2, 4-8kg/cm2 gravels, sands and clays 3-5kg/cm2 0.5-3kg / cm2.
have to study the mechanical strength, the geological profile and the presence of water in soils that determine the settlement. Topsoil and waste landfills have no settlement is possible because organic matter and decompose.
foundations can be sorted according to different criteria:
1) By the way they transmit the loads to the ground
Direct - Indirect
- Mixed
2) Due to the depth where the soil is resistant
- Surface
- semideep
- Deep
3) For your disposal on the ground
- Spot
- Linear
- Slabs
will study the following foundations:
1) Given: foundations are punctual, isolated, direct, superficial and not very considerable size. They are used for flat surfaces in shallow water. Are buried in the ground (it makes a sediment and fill it with rocks and concrete) and they rely on the rafters, from which the pillars will rise.
2) Skate: A foundation point, semi-deep has the advantage that widens the base of the pillar as a better distribution of loads. Reinforced concrete are used as the stable ground is a bit is a little deeper in the previous case, between 4-5m.
3) Pilotis: specific foundations are deep, it makes a big hole and filled with concrete and iron. The walls of the holes are so irregular that friction contributes to the foundation. This type of foundation is used in soils with water.
4) Skate Run: This case is a linear surface foundation for land with stable soil no more than a meter. They are made of concrete like the shoe.
5) Stalls: These are shallow foundations, large slabs of concrete evenly distributed loads.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kates Playground Members Full Set

Item 7 Item 6 _ _

serve for that architecture should not move or deform so as to prevent its use without breaking. To achieve this there are structures that can be undifferentiated when they not only attend such functions, or different only if ordered structure function.
structure definition: Set bodies linked together and arranged to receive and withstand the forces acting on these and forward them to the ground. Is an organized set it implies a certain organization, both geometric and links. These are the possible limiting movement of a body and there are three types: Mobile joint, cancels travel in one direction fixed joint, prevent movement in both directions, and embedding that cancels both displacements and rotations.
When thinking about the structures is crucial to analyze the loads on the building considering its function (home, library, storage), materials to be used (heavy or light), the place where it will reside (winds, possibility of earthquakes), or as long as it can vary its use or condition.
loads Classification:
1) Static: are those who do not suffer abrupt changes. May be permanent (weight structure, complementary elements, etc.) or transient (people, furniture, etc.).. These are all gravity loads and therefore have the direction of the radius of the Earth, are constant and the most important, what are the easiest to predict.
2) Dynamics: those values \u200b\u200bare changing rapidly. Can be resonant (seismic and wind) or impact (sudden rush of vehicles, materials sudden shock, shock waves, etc..).
All loads can be balanced by the reactions and thereby prevent any movement of translation or rotation. So that there is no displacement and the building is in equilibrium the sum of the forces in the x and y axis must be zero as the sum of moments.
There are several types of balance:
1) Indifferent: in which all positions are balanced in a small disturbance which the body will be in another position. No good for architecture.
2) Unstable: is one who does not return to its original configuration after a small perturbation. No good for architecture.
3) Stable: Whenever you get a small perturbation restores its original position. This is the one used for architecture and is the first basic requirement of a structure.
All solid experience
deformations to be applied by outside forces. At the beginning of deformation, the particles originating from internal forces increased the intensity of external forces to balance them. Reached this situation is said that all particles of the body are balanced between internal and external forces (internal equilibrium).
of tensions will study the basic compression and tension, in which the material "works" with the same intensity throughout the section and the efforts made, bending, where the "work" does not occur homogeneously (existence fiber tension to neutral and compressed),
1) Compression: is a normal stress of converging forces with equal and opposite direction. The particles of material tend to crowd one another, producing a deformation in the material that is shortening the piece in the sense of direction of force and the thickening of the section perpendicular to the direction of the effort. It is important to mention that compression occurs in relatively short pieces because otherwise it will produce the phenomenon of buckling (lateral bending and will be mentioned later).
2) Drive: As compression is a cooperative effort forces normal and reverse direction but diverge, so the deformation is given by the removal of the particles that make up the material, extending the piece in the sense of the direction of the force and the reduction of the cross section to address effort.
3) Flex: is given by the combination of the two basic states of stress described above: the compression and traction. Occurs when a piece is a stress perpendicular to its longitudinal axis and supported by one or more points do not coincide with the line of action of loads. The strain is the elongation fiber traction and shortening of the compressed. In between these there is a neutral axis in which the fibers remain unchanged.
buckling or lateral bending effect: It is straight across bar whose length is significantly larger than the smaller side. This bending occurs long before the collapse of compressive material and depends on the slenderness (ratio between the upper and lower side of the compressed element), the form of the section of material, the material itself, links, and the magnitude of loads.
Resistance is the second basic requirement of a structure and analyze the forces developed inside the material originated as a result of forces applied on it, and the balance between the two systems of forces.
Another aspect to consider is the material stiffness , ie the relationship between the cause (force) and effect (producing strains). The structure and every part of it does not have a single rigid but as many as different actions you can apply. Such rigidity depends on the geometric organization, links and the characteristics of the material.
Finally, it is important to refer to effectiveness: Third basic requirement of a structure. It is the relationship between results and resources used . Is closely linked to the size, configuration geometric and materials.
Finally, say that there are certain ways to solve problems involving geometric configuration in relation to the use of materials, to each of these forms are called structural types.
main problems of architectural structures are: 1) Cover lights, 2) Move vertically to the ground loads, 3) Supporting horizontal thrust.
1) 1st problem - Cover Lights:

Light is the distance between the supports of an element that covers a space.
a) Structures compressed
The most typical examples are the arc and vault. To understand its operation is necessary to analyze the behavior of its centerpiece, the keystone of the arch. It should come down to "push" out to the two following parts (contraclaves). Its vertical load is divided into two oblique forces that drive each of the two aforementioned contraclaves. Each of these forces combined with the weight of the new force resulting in a more "bowed down" to act on the next piece. So that the resultant force of each piece is made with the burden of the next piece. Must analyze the direction of the final result because of not being perfectly vertical horizontal thrusts appear to be balanced with buttresses, flying buttresses (Gothic) or internal clamping thin.
most appropriate materials to build both arches and vaults are those with a good compression behavior such as stone (natural and artificial), brick, wood, etc. ..
b) Structures tension to
The most common are those suspended by cables. The cables take different forms depending on the disposition of the charges on him. In general, the structures "hung" are relatively low weight and have low stiffness.
The cable system is the only one who can build with the same geometry (Only varies the size of the tension members) small elements such as huge as the system is independent of the size of the light.
Membranes: Its own weight is relatively insignificant and do not depend on the stiffness of the material. As such material is not rigid in itself, this feature should be achieved through a drive geometry. One possible solution is the use of forms with opposing curves. Supported by their shape, are inflexible structures using flexible materials. These materials should be achieved without stiffness keep the shape under all load conditions should support the building.
The lightness, while being a disadvantage, rooted many difficulties must be cinched down instead of being borne upwards by example.
c) bent structures
Before an external force applied and the two reactions in the two support points the beam begins to deform. If we increase the applied force will come a time when the beam is broken. If we look, we see that at each end so there was a twist that caused a moment (when abroad). To achieve balance, showed an inner strength that grew as grew outside (now inside).
If we look at a "slice" of the beam center, we see that the internal forces compress the material on top of a maximum on the edge and then descends to a failure to solicitation in the middle and then began to pull up to the maximum in the other edge. This concludes that not all the material used is used with the same degree of order.
If the beam is balanced, the bending moment (outside) is equal to the moment resistance (indoor). The first increases by increasing strength or light (distance between supports). To give more strength to the beam can be used more resistant materials or increase the height of the section for the moment resistance is higher. But while this happens, the weight increases and as the material does not work homogeneously so all is not used to its full potential (only the ends) and with increasing height of the piece increases the material well "idle."
What materials I can use? Those who respond to requests from both compression and tension. Among these we can distinguish the wood and steel, but can also be given a combination of different materials that work well for each of the two solicitations, is the example of concrete where concrete works best compression and tensile iron .
Strategies to improve the efficiency
material is placed where you actually need and lighten less popular areas (closer to the neutral axis). This is very easy on the steel which displayed different profiles such as Double T. With the concrete implementation is difficult in the formwork to achieve appropriate forms, and the wood is useless. If this strategy is extremely possible to separate tablets tensile cords holding only a union between them to work together. But it introduces the problem of how to unite both parties to maintain rigidity. There are two different types of unions, rigid and articulated by triangles (geometrically deformable).
ii. Another way to separate the strands tablets and traction is obtained from elements thin, low resistance to bending that allow it to fold as a grant stiffness.
d) crosslinked structures
The most characteristic example is the truss characterized by its lightness and ability to withstand heavy loads. They are mainly used in large buildings with lights, and ceilings of warehouses, stores, churches and buildings are generally large spaces inside. It consists of a succession of short pieces, tied in knots, which form triangles (geometrically deformable). Between truss and truss are the straps. The various parts that make up this system are pairs, the tensor, the pendolón, diagonals and uprights.
2) the 2nd problem - vertically transmit loads to the ground.
This is done by column, pillars and supporting walls and more. The introduction of modern materials with high compressive strength such as steel columns can be used to build much thinner than with stone or concrete. But this thinness, introduces a limitation on the buckling that occurs in long, thin elements that under compressive stress experience a lateral bending and occasionally collapse. Buckling depends on the slenderness, the shape of the cross section (those showing better Most of the material from the center such as round hollow sections, the double-T profile, etc.), and restrictions on their ends (the embedding gives greater resistance to buckling).
3) 3rd problem - horizontal thrusts.
These can be produced for different reasons and permanent (long acting without changing such as the thrust produced by a drop) or possible (not always but sometimes act are those produced by winds and earthquakes).
The wind pressure is distributed over the exposed faces of the building, resulting in a force applied at the geometric center of faces. This force generates the ground reaction triggers a moment called "tipping point." This increases the power of the wind or by an increased distance between the wind and its reaction (building height). So that the building is at rest the overturning moment must be balanced with other time in equal and opposite, the "stabilizing moment." The stability of a building increases its weight and the breadth of its base.
's quake is another possible push. The energy released by an earthquake propagates through the crust in the form of vibrations that cause displacement of the ground in any direction (horizontal or vertical). The destructive force of the quake was explained on the principle of inertia which states that every body has a reaction to change its state of motion. This reaction is directly proportional to body mass. Thus, the earthquake occurred, each of the parts of the building "reacts" to oppose the motion with a force proportional to its mass and opposite movement of the ground. Unlike the wind, the weight does not contribute to the stability but also increases the destructive force.
Answers to achieve greater stability.
In columns: depends essentially on their links. By having a smaller base than its height shows little reaction overturning. To maintain a stable balance should be linked or embedded articulated to other elements. When inserting it modifies the behavior of the column as it is subjected to bending. The walls
: Responsiveness to a drive depends on its direction: If the force is perpendicular to the wall must be embedded (if resistant to bending) or linked with elements that prevent them from overturning. If the force on the wall is parallel to this, substantially improves its stability. The lower and a wall length is greater stability.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mens Wearing Womens Underwears

Structures comfort conditions in architectural spaces closed

Comfort Thermal Sensation satisfactory physiological state where the child is made to perform physically demanding activities. Involved in thermal comfort comfort parameters (linked to the architectural space) and comfort factors (related to bio-physiological needs of each individual).
physical concepts involved in thermal comfort.
1) Heat transfer.
occurs if and only if the bodies are at different temperatures and from the higher temperature to lower. By equating the

temperatures produces thermal equilibrium. There
three ways of heat exchange by conduction, convection and radiation.

2) thermal inertia.
is the ability of the material to retain heat and transfer it slowly.
3) Delay heat.
is the time it takes a temperature difference to show up on the opposite surface to the enclosure.
4) thermal insulation.
resistance is an enclosure to transmit heat.
Thermal comfort is purchased as a set of variables and are related to the individual (activity performed, clothing, etc.), the surrounding environment (temperature, humidity and wind speed), or to the exterior walls with phenomena such as trap effect for example.

Variables related to the environment.
hygrothermal comfort in sedentary status of the following values:
- Air temperature (22-25 ° C)
- Relative humidity (30-60%)
- Air speed (0.5 m / sec)
- mean radiant temperature (the difference between air temperature and the heating should be less than 6 degrees C).

1) Moisture.
a) absolute humidity. is the amount of water containing an air mass. It is measured in grams of water / kg dry air.
b) absolute humidity of saturated air. is the maximum amount of water in vapor that is capable of containing a kg. Air at a given temperature.
c) Relative Humidity . is the relationship between absolute humidity and absolute humidity of saturated air for the same temperature. It is measured in a percentage that indicates how easily the air evaporates the water.
d) dew point. is the temperature at which air reaches saturation.
2) Temperature
a) radiant temperature. is the temperature inside a closed room.
b) mean radiant temperature. is the average of all surface temperatures related to their field. TMR = t1.Á1 +
t2.Á2 + ... + tn.Án/Á1 + A2 + ... + an
Variables related to exterior walls
1) transparent enclosures - Effect trap.
occurs when there is direct sunlight on glass which defines an enclosed building. The sun emits short-wave rays can penetrate glass. These rays to be reflected in objects are made of long wave, which prevents them from going back over the glass and remain inside, thus producing the effect trap that produces excessive heat within the room. The same is very desirable in cold periods but becomes unbearable in hot weather. To avoid it to avoid direct solar radiation which are used for blinds, roller shades, overhangs, umbrellas. These should be placed horizontally and vertically north face east and west facades because the rays come to these more horizontally.
2) opaque side and top enclosures.
For example incorporating air chambers as in the example of the double walls or materials such as air into a barbecue. (See item enclosures).
3) Ventilation.
ventilation is needed both by thermal and sanitary reasons. Hygiene throughout the year, to clear the air (oxygen), remove water vapor, odors and smoke, among others. In warm weather in addition to hygiene requirements have to think about heat, it is necessary to ventilate and cool the air and the body.
Regarding ventilation should consider three aspects, location, area, and how to open (eg a casement window allows a 100% chance of ventilation). When the windows are facing is a greater ventilation (air currents).
There are two types of ventilation as the period of the year:
a) Ventilation of winter.
- hygienic requirements.
- By top vents: The air stream is given above by preventing these people feel cold.
- The water vapor rises and is vented.
b) summer ventilation.
- hygienic and thermal requirements.
- Using low openings: The air stream passes by people cooling it.
In designing houses is very advisable to have the air flow bar from the bedroom and be to the bathrooms and kitchen.

4) natural lighting.
A space must have natural light. For this to be of good quality should be diffuse, homogeneous (by way of not producing bewilderments and glare), without excess of shadows and contrasts.
factors affecting the lighting are:
a) orientation.
b) The factor day. The portion of outer space from the viewpoint of light that penetrates through the window. Is very connected with the size and location of the openings.
c) The amount of light. This requires control reflections (keep in mind the colors and textures), eaves and obstacles.
d) Quality of light.
e) Activities to be developed. As already said, in a classroom next to a window board seia not desirable because it would make it unusable.
windows and skylights face south receive little or no direct solar radiation which are used to gather indirect light without significant heat input.
is very important not to forget think when lighting the thermal aspects.

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Item 5 _ The sound architecture. Item 4 _

Definition Sound: is a vibratory phenomenon spreads through an elastic medium and is perceived by the human ear.
To have a sound must be a string acoustic made by a source that generates the vibration phenomenon, a means, and elastic material for which the wave propagates and can be either gas or liquid and solid, and a receiver that receives information (the ear).
The sound is caused by an molecular motion, these molecules collide and transmit energy. That is why the most dense (closer together molecules) transmit sounds better. Often
development and urbanization are the main sources of noise pollution, which results in discomfort and damage mainly affecting the ear and the central nervous system and endocrine system.
the isolation of both airborne noise as the sound track is like with enclosed spaces, establishing a considerable distance between the source and the receiver and using considerable mass enclosures (for airborne noise) and materials absorbent (porous) and may be at such as trees or uneven surfaces. In turn, the discontinuity, the change of environment will be very effective.
SOUND INSULATION. Definition of noise
's all unwanted sound.
There are different ways to isolate the noise.
1) Phase shift in time. Making

far from the noise and activity not match. The quartermaster may make provision for it.
2) Distance.
Sound travels in all directions "forming" an increasingly large area as we move away source, becoming less and less intensity.
3) Equipment enclosures.
The insulation of an enclosure increases with the mass per unit area. Law of mass : The sound level transmitted from one place to another, it diminishes in proportion to the weight of the element through which passes the sound. Also by double panels consisting of two thin walls separated by an elastic medium (either air or absorbent material). Principle of Elasticity: The sound level decreases the more elastic is the material that makes up the dividing element; (+ elasticity, - transmission).
4) Design a proper sealing the openings.
The sound passes through the slits, to avoid this you can place pads, increasing points of contact between the leaves and window frames, and more.
5) Isolate the sound source.
For example a water pump cover with a considerable mass element.
6) Personal Protection.
used by those working with machines. Example caps.

There are two types of noise via sound: The impact noise and vibration. The former included the steps and falling objects or crawling among others. These sounds are propagated by both the structure and by air. Then there are the vibrations produced by such machines, motors and pipes. Only propagate through the structure.
transmission of impact noise is much more intense than in the case of air as the coup has a much higher energy intake on the surface. In this case it applies the law of mass.

1) Isolation of the sound source.
Flooring elastic materials "inhibit" the noise impact its softness. Examples of this can be carpets, rugs, cork or plant fibers.
2) Isolation of discontinuity.
is based on the use of an elastic separation between the pavement and the support. Thus, the vibration generated on the pavement with light intensity is transmitted to the support due to the damping produced by the elastic medium. This is usually done between a floor and a building and called floating slab.

refers to the intelligibility of sound within a room. If a satisfactory condition requiring communication (such as a classroom) is necessary to study its acoustics and audibility.
Factors affecting audibility.
1) Eco
occurs when direct and reflected sound does not reach the ear at the same time, we see first direct and then reflected.
2) masking.
A hidden sound to another. Sometimes it is convenient.
3) Distribution of sound.
Depending on the shape of the room the sound is reflected in different directions and therefore is distributed in a certain way.
- convex forms, direct reflections from all directions, are good broadcasters .- concave focus the reflections are not good broadcasters. (They tend to centralize the sound at one point).
- Other elements that influence the diffusion of sound are the irregularities of the surfaces, the size of the room, the distribution of absorbent materials and terrain irregularities.
4) Long reverb.
is the time where the sound vibrates in the air without becoming extinct, is still perceived by a fraction of time after the occurrence. Thus, the direct and reflected sound overlap in a protracted hearing. The reverberation time is directly proportional to the local volume and inversely proportional to absorption. If local walls are covered with absorbent materials is greatly reduced.
When completely eliminate the reverb would get a dry sound that is not nice, and if prolonged hearing can be confusing. ABSORPTION
Reflected sound is always less intense than the incident. The share of energy that is not reflected is absorbed and transformed into heat.
The absorbent materials are porous and are used to eliminate echo or obtain appropriate reverberation times.

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material components in the definition of architectural space.

The material components can be classified into three types: 1) Natural, 2) Natural with some transformations, 3) Industrialized.
1) Natives are those that are used almost as they appear in nature. Can be derived from soils (clay and silt), stone (granite and marble) or plants (pine and eucalyptus).
The stone, whose origin is volcanic, well supporting the compressive forces but not the drive. The woods on the other hand cater equally to both efforts. In turn, there are soft or hard according to the utility to be given.
2) Among these are the ceramics (bricks and ticholos) briquettes (monolithic and concrete), the bitumen (asphalt and tar), metals (aluminum, steel, iron).
The ticholos for example, are made with natural materials: clay, and it is through a process of several steps among which is the cooking that comes to them. Concrete is a mixture containing water, coarse and fine aggregates (gravel and sand, respectively) and Portland cement. It is an artificial stone (good response to compressive stress but not to drive).
metals, which work well in tension, allow you to build structures much less weight. It is even possible to combine concrete (compression works fine) steel (works well in tension) to make concrete was armed by allowing columns and beams to build the skeleton structure of the building, to allow wider openings (removal of bearing walls).
3) The last type is made up of those going through major changes in manufacturing processes. These may include glasses (mirrors and lenses), paints, plastics (acrylic and PVC) and agglomerated synthetic (plastic plaster) among others.
structural materials.
are those that have characteristics that allow them to receive loads and permanent, intermittent or a short time. Any structure of these materials be deformed (somewhat) by receiving the load and after removing it should return to its original state.
Among the structural materials are stone, wood, concrete, etc..
- With an increase in temperature materials run off (thus requiring fire protection) and exposed to low temperatures become more elastic.
- should consider the time since they often deteriorate either by chemical or by action of the loads.
- usually are isotropic, ie its resistance does not depend on the direction in which force is applied. Wood is an exception because it is anisotropic.
- are metastable, their stability does not change when active physical and chemical processes (eg oxidation related to moisture and salinity). Behavior
thrust actions.
All structural material has an elastic period (A) in which the deformation is proportional to the voltage it receives. After a certain load value (depending on material) enters a period plastic (B) because if forces are removed the material returns to its original configuration.

Monday, October 8, 2007

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Item 3 Item 2 _ Lighting

Each object absorbs some of the light falling on it and reflects the rest in the environment. The eyes pick up a small part of this reflected light to create visual images. When the light intensity in high glaring eyes with glowing objects (they feel now and it is decreasing, with the look, the amount of light entering the eye).
- Level Lighting: A building will be lit properly if the lighting is appropriate to the activity taking place in it. Occasionally, activities may have certain variants, require different lighting, so it is advisable to regulate at will the level of intensity. It is also important considerations other than left-handed.
- Glare: Occurs when there is the presence or absence of different degrees of light simultaneously. A good building design includes proper highlights (natural and artificial), each for itself but also complemented.
You can talk about 1) natural lighting and 2) artificial.

1) natural lighting.
The sun is the source of light during the day to exert an influence on the minds of the people providing both physical and psychological. However, most visual tasks sensitive (sewing, reading, etc.) are impossible to carry out direct sunlight. In turn, warmer periods the heat inside the buildings is very annoying and the bleaching effect of sun is one of the drawbacks involved. To block or filter direct light reflected, leaving a softer vegetables can be used (trees, vines, etc..) Awnings, shutters of all types, blinds, canopies, curtains, etc.
As mentioned above (item 1) south receives almost no direct sunlight so a south side window ensure indirect light without significant heat contribution. In these cases where the sun does not penetrate directly into the room, the amount of light at a point of it depends on the total area of \u200b\u200bsky can be seen from that point through the windows and of course the brightness of that portion of the sky. That is, the closer the window paid more light ceiling. In turn, the room high and low depth will be much brighter than one whose space is narrow and deep. In the latter case, it may be advisable to balance the lighting setting windows on a second side of the room or a skylight.
By placing windows must take certain precautions for the activity to be held in the room. For example if you build a room class probably a window next to the board will give a luminosity that is likely to leave unusable.
The natural light illumination allows a nice transition between indoors and outdoors. Its main drawback is the inconsistency (at night). Artificial electric light is instantaneous and constant use, so that both types of lighting when the artificial supplement is used at night.
2) artificial lighting.
- Luminous Flux: The light energy per unit time. The unit of measure called the lumen.
- Lighting: The ratio between the luminous flux receiving a surface and its extension.
To get an idea provides thirteen candles lumens, a 100-watt incandescent bulb 1200 lumens and a high-powered fluorescent tube 80 watt 4500 lumens.
tubes convey an interesting light bulbs, similar to that of fire. A room takes on a nice light for this type of lighting, especially if the walls with warm colors and materials. It is widely used in homes, shops, restaurants and churches among others.
Fluorescent lighting is used more in commercial, industrial and institutional.
is very important to place the light source outside the field of view normal people using the site, and try to get a proper brightness to the task to develop there.
The color of the room or does not contribute to the light and prevent or no glare. Light colors are more reflective than dark ones absorb more light.