Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Much A Weave Cost

The end of a space age. Discovery launches into space looking for the international season! Arabica

At the end of his last voyage, the ship will go to a museum, so, to end the use of the vehicles traveled in space . After several delays and suspension of flights to launch 39 missions in 133 starts the beginning of the end for the shuttle was glorious. (Photo from Cape Kennedy, Florida)

begins the end of space travel for NASA.
were glory days of NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA) - release their three surviving machines, with "Discovery" first finish die down to make way for "Atlantis" and "Endeavour" in the term of the three decades that drive this program.
Starting this summer, space transportation will be provided by private companies.

Another historical record. Outside
be his last trip, Discovery once again make history by taking your board, the first humanoid robot called simply, R2 a kind of machinery with human overtones waist-to-head, which remain enclosed in a box until the day the ship returns to earth in more than a week, thus completing a 147.5 million miles, started in 1984. Great
Discovery wins.
success in its list of the ship features have led to the Hubble space telescope, the first Russian cosmonaut on a U.S. shuttle to rendezvous with the Russian space station Mir, to be handled by the first woman pilot back to Earth astronaut John Glenn Commander of the class "Mercury" and the important life back to NASA after the accident "Challanger" and "Columbia."
a glorious end!
into March, Disovery posteriodad stay for one of the great halls of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, available to public view, possibly in your next visit to the capital!

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bromothymol Blue And Guppy Fish Experiment

Touch Switch (Switch Touch)

This circuit was developed to turn a PC via a switch to the touch, but can be used in any circuit, any circuit adapted to bone, heart function is to emulate a button, regardless of whether NO or NC output as the tactile switch is developed based on a double relay investor, ie has a NO contact and one NC to make it easier to adapt.
In practice, as seen in the video works instantly (the video has the audio delayed), but it is noteworthy that the gain of 555 can bring erratic shots if you about a noise source, as fluorescent lamps, transformers, motors, etc. .. within the tube pc no problems because the place where he is staying in an old floppy disk that functions as a Faraday cage and absorbed a great deal of electrical noise and radio waves.
If you want you can weld a plate to gnd as TV tuners, so that there noise.
In the analysis of this circuit is used resitores pull-up and pull-down but values \u200b\u200bsuch that the noise does not cause a shot, could not be operated by touch because the impedance was low, when it increased the impedance and could be activated by touch but unfortunate mind causes electrical noise close shots, so that the best option was housed inside a metal cage.
then be shown the circuit, the PCB (you have to shrink the size, is found in high resolution for better quality of the pcb.) And a performance video (the audio is out of date).


Instructions On Making A Military Tank Cake

style revolution? Impossible! It is something that must have to do against injustice wage and benefits gained from their studies! Arabic

Teachers in Madison, (photo) capital of Wisconsin, State of cheese, milk and milk products, are going through a perfect and necessary ; revolution popular alqo that seems to be fashionable but in no case with the violence of Arabs subjugated by small kings, emirs, and others.
Protests in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states, are merely demonstrations of discontent, protests of indignation in a perfectly healthy democratic, more violent donate what could be their signs and some esposradicos cries of despair!

Imitation? Maybe! The same? NO!
same, in any case!
Not necessarily!
But if, could be the result of any psychological process, perhaps taking advantage of the circumstances or simply because the population believes that enough of political abuse, neglect, economic and Madison, also ignored Washington.
Read our comment will additional pressing here.

Population as innocent of defeat, like the rest!
The point is that for the second or third consecutive hundreds, thousands of people are protesting in the streets and shouting against the state capitol by the series of cuts planned by the Republican government in this state, of course , intended to alleviate its budget deficit, which is nothing new in all states of the troubled American Union, something that the population remains " paying for the broken dishes authorities! "
What is new, political skirmishes are some amazing, never expected, nor even suspected, when Senate Democrats decide to hide instead unknown, a site with lots of snow, announced an official spokesman, for not voting on a proposition involving accounts seriously cutting the population, especially school teachers.
Guinea India?
Of course!
even seems that teachers did not study paa teachers but to be "guinea India "
" laboratory guinea political" rather than pillars of education and what will be the result of efforts in this nation for his players when they grow up, those who always end up suffering unfair consequences, tragic, inmmerecidas, the not even tickle the debit frightening of these authorities are spending as if money were not will never end, that eternal belief that legislative budgets are in a kind of deaf ears with bills coming out of a hole at the bottom of the bag .
And look what
this happening!
Republicans in Washington are quite willing to expose the national economic recovery directly influence the president to grant more cuts on his intention to reduce the deficit, which is far from happening - even considering that would increase the deficit in more than 7,000 million in this decade, according to analysts. That
Wisconsin's senators have been hidden for not voting against major projects for their constituents, have the same proportions of what you're doing John Boehner, Chairman of the House of Representatives in Washington, because at the end of everything ... the question goes to the same basket, the same political division that in no case is healthy for anyone, which does not go anywhere but to the increased poverty that impasse in legislative decisions, the scandalous unemployment is hell per minute, the eternal problem of getting people behind whack whack for something that did not have, nor ever will have no fault.
What happened to happiness
in the Declaration of 76?
is about time someone told these ticklish lawmakers "to put the batteries," to get serious about this land we call USA of America, to not continue turning over in their graves the founding fathers, those who risked their lives not necessarily for political groups to misunderstand the principles of its Declaracopn of Independence, back in 1776, when the U.S. was 13 escualidos states that it has acquired rights population by birth and ... " that these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! " ... happiness that teachers can not have if they continue to cut their salaries, schools are closing their sites work, firing them without mercy or justice, women and men with the same nationality as the rights acquired by those same lawmakers have them abuse their long years of college, payable in a good economic situation at the end of their efforts and aspirations for so support their families with dignity and responsibility.
Corny, corny?
Possible, but a reality sine qua non , too!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

When Is David's Bridal 99 Sale

revolutions spread, what happens, the danger of Muslims extremistasl!

is not a picture of what happened in Egypt, is what is happening in Enghelab Square in Tehran, Iran, where youth rose up in protest against the tyranny of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his radical Islamists responded with live ammunition, tear gas and turning off all lights of the city as protesters violently pursued blindly increasing, so the possibility that the Middle East becoming easily in the region of terrorists taking advantage of free elections after an uneasiness. explain:

A clear effect of Egyptian triumph.
Of course not doubt that there is nothing that the "domino effect" scattered throughout the Arab region countries handled by hand centuries of small kings, shicks, emirs , dictators and all sorts of cliques Islamic abusing his countrymen with many things not even appear in the Koran.

serious thing "as keeping the popular ignorance!
And, logically, all these guys winning with dictatorial violence and lies defenseless people, ignorant and extreme poverty, are now seeking palliative to get just forget the Egyptian protest, let small problems pass their political gifts and cash, which obviously, they all fall like "coming from heaven" as the Mana Christian Bible.
Although the government considers that it is small groups protesting illegally on the streets of major cities, threatening the internal security of the state and proceeded to violently punish them with beatings, tear gas, water cannons and all who believe could put an end to the demonstrations but none of the authorities seems to recognize that it is a matter strictly idiologica, tired of unbridled tyranny regardless of the consequences of their actions and provoking them every day.
Today, responses were small with a fuse them on from Cairo.
The king decided to give U.S. $ 2650 to every family in this island as the last step to prevent public protests designed by Shias for next week. Analysts believe that there will be a revolution in the Egyptian style, but consider it the state with the possibility mayhor among Persian Gulf countries.
For 20 days, more or less, which in this country there is a state of emergency although President Abdelaziz Bouteflika expressed his intention to finish it soon. Many cities were riots last week protesting the lack of food, in which two people dead and hundreds injured resltaron. Remedying the authorities to the demonstrations in some of its prices and increase supplies of wheat in warehouses and supermarkets but some demonstrations continued his pace ..
anti-government demonstrations are temporarily suspended because its leaders are in consultation with other opponents in the countries of the Arabian peninsula. Like what ad Mubarak in Egypt, President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he was not interested in the reelection of its mandate, which also leads three decades of existence, nor does the government spend your child.
King Abdullah
change of Prime Minister after small protests that grew as a result of the opposition sees the move as isuficiente. Also consider cutting some 225 million dollars in the prices of certain gasoline, sugar and rice love a pay raise for military and government officials as they tried demita anata Mubarak.
This government has been the one that took the biggest decisions to avoid ouster, announcing distribute 4,000 million dollars and free food for the next 14 months. There have been protests in Kuwait but the fear exists.
Each of the 1.2 million people receive a whopping U.S. $ 3,572 in cash plus free food until the end of March 2012 announced the Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah.
That's the scenario.
Meanwhile, Egypt walk in search of presidential elections soon but no date has been set.
Danger Ahead!
And so we come to what we might consider the danger of radical Muslims as "Islamic Brotherhood" directed by Mohamed Al-Beltagy, one of the most important opposition organizations in the country via charity helps poor with medical services and other issues in democratic elections I would allow 50% of legislative seats, the horrors that had fatasma Mubarak and the Egyptian military power, should be avoided with immediate democratic elections.
And of course, is worrying considering that the Arab political statements made to the international press, saying that his organization preserving what it considers " of honor" and " stone an adulterous woman, severely punish homosexuals, forcing Islamic women to cover from the face to its medium body and eventually kill all those Muslims abandoning the faith. "
No one can forget what this organization fans made since its founding in 1928.
Among other things, as they themselves announced at that time, Anwar Sadat assassinated 81; practically created al-Qaeda, Obama Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri, former mmiembro that organization looking up the Egyptian government.
If so, if the military did not suddenly decide to implement a civilian government via democratic vote, the chances of the "Muslim Brotherhood" are very possible and so is that of the Taliban in Afghanistan if the forces Western military lost the war, the Iran and others with the same principles, a serious threat to the West.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Watch Digital Playgrounds Movies Online

PIC PLC 16F84A or Expandable. Step-Up Source

This circuit was named PLC because it is a programmable logic controller and power, although not designed to be ISCP (programming in circuit) and also stepped LADDER language, is rather a plaque trainer who fulfills the functions of a PLC as having Optimally isolated 8 inputs and 4 mediente 4N27 optocouplers by mechanical relay outputs.
The circuit has a 5V regulated supply for the microcontroller, however the entry should be 12V as this feeds the relays. But it could be improved by a 12V regulator but not necessary.
The circuit is as follows:
The PCB is as follows: NOTE must resize the size. This high resolution for better image quality.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blazer Blue Jeans And Dress Shirt Untucked

is just the regime of Mubarak, took Suleiman, the army managed to Egypt!

The happiness of the demonstrators in the Plaza de la Libertad (pictured) is absolutely justified, Mubarak is gone, left the presidency, winning the people, everything was spectacular thanks to his insistence that anxious looking patriotic democracy at all costs. They are expensive with more than 400 dead and long list of injuries but was successful in the end. What started as an internet call to show the anguish of a nation abasallada, today is an example of planning, perfect coordination, shows the power of the oppressed youth.

New Pharaonic era on earth!

Of course, now comes the second part in this struggle popular.
And the question is whether this new stage will be precisely as democratic as the hope that this beleaguered country is considering a run army for his "Tip" of soldiers now creates a new international problem, especially with the U.S. that military governments do not negotiate with the president arrived by coups, many Europeans, either.
And we got to the unknown, what we remember the initial circumstances in the Pinochet coup in Chile, also run by a "Council" of military and ending at the hands of a despot.
we wish not to the land of pharaohs, but also concerns us!
Today, however, celebrate the end of a dictatorship three decades thanks to a youth tired of suffering, to be the recipient of all social atrocities involving power and social injustice ..

deserved a hope!
The release came as a surprise to everyone.
Nobody expected after Mubarak announced openly that he refused to leave.
Suddenly, the next day, one minute televised all over, the announcement said the army drove the nation now.
On the streets of every city exploded joy, there were fireworks and those rhythmic movements of sexy arab dance accompanied by rhythmic music of fast drumming adorned with songs reminding the English canteojondo of Moorish heritage.
We see in this picture of Tahrir Square.
back now calm,
come the doubts.
Nobody knows what will happen next in Egypt, USA, Israel, the world expected to continue to be the political platform while maintaining the much needed, important and required balance in that troubled region, none has been officially pronounced -so far at least, is too early to do but everyone expects the continuation of Islamic peace.
Nothing is final.
The only definite is the popular victory by defeating the dictatorship three decades that takes them to the misery, despair and pain that all these samples lead protests against powerful organizations responding lagrimogenas bombs, real bullets that kill and severely beaten the disobedient.
Habra democracy?
dictatorship ... Or will he come with different face?
We'll know soon.
meantime, celebrate the triumph of those rebellious Egyptians, these human beings who now receive the first hope of a possible socioeconomic improvement.
From here, for I salute you!

We have other comments for you,
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Get A Shiny Starter In Emerald

is that is coming to an end demonstration against Mubarak's Egypt? So it seems.

seems that Egyptian life is slowly returning to normal although the public demonstration in the Plaza de la Libertad, as he calls the Tahrir square, remains as big and strong as before but on certain days because most low the number of people turning it into a show with dancing arabe, songs, food and entertainment while a number of banks have opened and traffic returned capital to be the worst debacle in the Middle East automobile.

... is that the "need to have the face of heresy"

Mubarak Suleiman.

And there is another explanation is logical, the tyrannical Egyptian government well knew, and that is why Mubarak has sat quietly on their laurels, saying their duty is to "die in Egypt. "
I delegate things to alleviate his mandate in the General Omar Suleiman, an old soldier who considered" unclean. "

A wheat maybe not so clean!
And do not tell us, say human rights organizations, UN and others have been accused of support and supervision of torture as Director of Service intelligence, a charge based on force run into a mystery that so Loipa required in certain circumstances.
Nothing could say of their military training in the Soviet Frunze Academy in Moscow, because we would have to go into political issues that this time I did not come to the case.
Suleiman is the real?
What if we could highlight is its participation in a series of torture in CIA prisons, those of "Rendition , " where airway moved and hidden for certain individuals to be tortured by Egyptian intelligence service under the direction of Mr. Suleiman, accused
-plus-complicity with Al-Qaeda, never disappeared completely according to the journalist Stephen Grey, the American professional in the case of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, who later was part of the Bush decision to invade Iraq, declaring that Saddam Hussein had Al-Qaeda connections, etc.
And the military is now not only Mubarak's successor as vice president but "strong man of Egypt " the same as yesterday blame local and foreign journalists by popular demonstrations, Al Jazeera, the most powerful information service in the region close to Mubarak ordered a few days ago, accused of anti-Muslim, while many specialists regional policy would say that the presidency supported by the Armed Forces, in a sort of planned coup democratic characteristics.
The need to face a heretic.
A high percentage of the Egyptian population lives in poverty misrebale, in a nation that not only is in need of 10,000 million dollars in immediate loan for your financial stability, love of so many annually but where there is almost no food, which has an unemployment rate of 25% and 30% of its population below the limits poverty - according to the UN - the other 30% very close to the limit due to high inflation (30%), for almost a century, a nation of 81 million with 5 million work for state and 1.3 million for private sector Vivendo families huddled in small rooms without water, with a poor health system and people die in queues to buy bread tax benefit (18 only this 2011)
Transparency International stated that the Mubarak government is a corrupt state government announced salary increases of 53 dollars per month and $ 6.50 in private, or 13% of the GPD when in Spain, for example, is 26, France 51 and Turkey 78%.
So, a large number of protesters in the street demonstration back to his poor and miserable work to survive, leading to paralysis is almost anti-Mubarak demonstration that obviously tends to decrease slowly , although those going to the Plaza de la Libertad insist that will continue until the same day that Mubarak fall or flee the country.
What Egypt needs are not necessarily ministerial changes but a totally different political regime because Suleiman has been, is and will be part of the Mubarak dictatorship that held for 30 years, it is our opinion.
We have other interesting comments for you,
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Makes Pubic Hair Long

The eternal insult of cocky British attacking Mexico, its culture, its people, to ALL!

This trio of British subjects in the photo, are the "anchors" - title excessive in the circumstances - a spectacle of BBCTV on cars the world. On a very insulting and not recommended for relations with the rest of the planet and their "show" global projection, had the little sense to refer to the introduction of a new sports car (pictured below) ; saying by Mexican the vehicle must be " flatulent, fat, lazy, sleepy head leaning on a cactus with his broad-brimmed hat and covering his face, sleeping wrapped in a blanket with a hole in the middle " and so many platitudes, leaving outraged the Mexican ambassador in London, with good reason, demanding public explanation!

Britain, criticizing arrogant culture half a world!

Before going into details we want to say that we respect to Britain as a nation on the planet, as government and human society, but not necessarily when they go to extremes of unwarranted contempt, vulgarity incomprehensible as of these three individuals, at this time earned the respect of anyone, verbally assaulting people like SS. Benedict XVI during his visit London, or taking football lovers to witness their bullying in international courts, etc., etc.
finally, here we describe a specific situation that just happened in a racing program designed by the BBC-TV, gratuitous insult to a nation of our continent, just for the simple reason to bring a contempt innate nationalism unreasonably everything seems foreign and bearing deeply individualistic culture, tied to an era of royalty kes now only serves as a tourist income of love in certain activities, make it a neighborhood-bullyismo bullying ".... with" glass ceiling. "
And of course, dwelt the idea further, it would aextremadamente long and unpleasant.
So go directly to the event.
abusive Vulgarity show "Top Gear ."
These three individuals whose names have little significance in every respect, had the terrible idea to find laughter and sympathy of viewers worldwide and local abusing, humiliating, exploiting the appearance of a new splendid sports car, the Mastretta MXT manufactured in Mexico by the company Tecnoidea (pictured left) and, incidentally, commonly used to insult the Mexican people with expressions of an ordinary incomprehensible that, in reality, only demonstrates the power of "thugs in the neighborhood" - as we said before - which perfectly that many idiosyncrasies their compatriots.
Here there is no intention to create controversy, or anything like that, but the show of indignation that such evil stems from any individual on this continent to see a trio of ignorant and ill-named "television presenters" not even know how to measure the consequences of your gratuitous insults, public and international projection, against one of the nations most beloved of the Latin American continent. Luckily
and the integriadad, the favor of decent people around the world the BBC agreed to publish an apology requested by the Mexican ambassador in London, responded that in fact, the statements in this unfortunate trio had been inadequate, incomprehensible and reprehensible.
But logically, the damage was already done! This type of abuse show should be better controlled by a telvision channels and radio we all know is owned government.

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