Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paper Drivers License Texas

Installing System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007

Hello. This time we will learn to install the SCVMM 2007. This guide is intended, to show the installation step by step. The SCVMM 2007, allows us to manage virtual machines (VM) in a virtualization environment on Windows Server 2003.

Some features of SCVMM 2007:

- Centralized Management of VMs on Virtual Server Platform 2005 SP2.

- Conversion of VMs to VMware virtualization support on Windows (either Virtual Server 2005 SP2 or Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008). This process also denom V2V.

- Converting physical servers to virtual (P2V).

- Centralized Library (Pictures and virtual disks).

- Smart Display, SCVMM stores and places the virtual server on a host with enough physical resources to function properly.

If you want to know more about the product can access the home page.

Data Table SCVMM 2007:

start with the step by step.

  1. Installing Virtual Machine Manager Server . Place a physical server with good disk storage and RAM. These resources vary depending on the number of VMs that you wish to mount on the server. The OS should be Windows Server 2003 Std or Ent (I recommend Enterprise as it recognizes more than 4GB of RAM). In my case I did a great iron. 10
  2. Start the installation by clicking on the setup.exe. 1
  3. will load the wizard and check if a component must be installed. In general you need: PowerShell, you can download , Windows Remote Management Installation or WRMI, com/kb/936059 ;. NET Framework 2.0, 4
  4. After the pre-requisites have been met, you must select the installation of the database (SQL Server 2005 or SQL Express failing, BD free). 5
  5. Libreríay select Create a new port for connectivity between the server and clients. The port 443 (File Transfers), data will be passed to convert a physical server to virtual.
  6. 6 7
  7. then charged an overview or summary of all settings in the installation of SCVMM. 8
  8. The installation should be completed by the end of copying files, installing SQL Express DB (O creating an instance on a dedicated server). NET Framework 3.0 and the Virtual Machine Manager Service. 11
  9. then you must install the management console, Virtual Machine Manager Administrator. 20
  10. route is selected where to install and TCP port by default 8100, for administration. 22
  11. screen installation have Conclude is: 24
  12. started the Virtual Machine System Administrator pointing to localhost and port 8100. 25
  13. begin to charge the explanation! 26
  14. Finally we have the main window, from which resources are managed and the VMs. 27
  15. As a last step you must access the Microsoft Update or from a WSUS to update the application.

If there is any doubt or inconveniences have reported me to support them.

Finally I tell you that there is a version Beta of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, soon to be released. I hope soon to show the product and the features it brings.

I say goodbye to all of you, God bless him. Jorge Cordova

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Waffle Mix Recipe For Krusteaz

Virtualization Operations Manual: System Center Virtual Machine Manager, Hyper-V and migration from VMware

Hello friends.

After much time I return to my blog again, in order to continue imparting knowledge and best practices related to Microsoft products.

On this occasion, I present a Virtualization Operations Guide: System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 (SCVMM 2007) and Hyper-V on Windows 2008 .

The Guide contains the following topics:

1. Conversion of VMware ESX virtual machines to SCVMM.

2. Converting a physical server to SCVMM.

3. Managing SCVMM 2007

4. Managing Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008.

As you will see me rather narrowly focused on migration from VMware ESX or conversion from physical to VM (Windows Server 2000 Server with SP4, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista)

Some considerations:

Converting Physical to Virtual (P2V): (en-us). Aspx

Virtual to Virtual Conversion (V2V): (en-us). aspx

SCVMM Virtual Server: (en-us). aspx

scoping Download: aspx / virtualization% C3% B3n? uc = 1 (Windows Live Sky Drive)

sorry, but I have no hosting to upload the file weighs 1MB. If you want to write me and I can send the person.

I hope that this guide will be helpful. I commented the following, where I work now we have ignored VMware Hyper-V and working properly, I'm happy with the migration of nearly a dozen VMware VM. But I must admit the following, VMware is the best virtualization product, is the most comprehensive and has more experience in the field. Anyway, Hyper-V now is the competition and continue providing for the product to mature in time.
