Sunday, November 25, 2007

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Topic 3_Normalización and Industry.

Standardization: rulemaking process, ie, sets and enforces rules for an orderly face any domain of human activity for the benefit and participation of stakeholders.
standardization arises from the boom in industrial production since it was necessary to develop standardized interchangeable parts and assembled mass-produced on assembly lines.
is worth mentioning that such standardization is not a goal but a process, a means for technological advancement. They are the result of the progress of technical knowledge, scientific and empirical, are specified in a document provided to meet: The technical standard.
have to know the difference between a technical and legal standard. The first is an agreement between the parties, there is consensus and has no punitive mechanisms to ensure compliance. The other, need not be an agreement between the parties and are required to comply (if it has punitive mechanisms).
The objectives of this normalization process are: a-
Global Economy: Get as much or more with less effort, ie significantly increase productivity.
b-Simplification: Reducing variation or variety, which means sharing and tolerance criteria.
c-Unification: Universality for the exchange.
d-Media: Technical standards provide a means of expression and communication between the different actors of the production. Example is the glass that indicates weakness.
e-Security and protection of life: There are rules that ensure the protection of human life and health. The use of helmets in the works is a clear example.
f-Consumer Protection and the community: While the rules protect the interests of those who consume certain products also care about society in general.
g-Elimination of trade barriers: It involves the harmonization of national, regional and international.
The normalization is made from the Technical Committee (essential) comprised of manufacturers, users, control agencies, research and technological development, scientific and technical personnel, educational institutions and other interested organizations and related industries. This committee develops draft standards and subjected to public inquiry and according to the results, decide whether to approve or not.
There are several standards bodies, in Uruguay UNIT (Uruguayan Technical Standards Institute), one can also mention COPANT (Pan American Standards Commission), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), IRAM (Argentina), ABNT (Brazil ), ASNT (building codes), among others.
Among the characteristics of technical standards may include those relating to:
- Expression: To ensure that the rule is expressed in clear, distinct, complete and unambiguous.
- Application: The rules should apply to all entities that are assigned to the term of the subject of the standard.
- Exhibition: All rules should be brief, expressed in concrete and concise manner and without negative terms.
There are two types of technical standards, unification and simplify them. The first cover everything specify any extension of a measure and the second set partial extensions of a measure and there are two types: general provisions or regulations governing and typing products that define a "model" standard in all aspects, making it possible to repeat in unlimited quantities.
technical standards consist of some structure, are organized. In the first instance have to consult rules, ie those that should be known beforehand, then you move on to the object or scope which refers to what to refer, the definitions of terms or words also have their space followed by general which is the standard itself. Finally you will see the size and dimensions, requirements, observations, comments, attachments (drawings) among others.
The oficiliazación all technical standard is given after such rule has the force from the convenience resulting from their good development.
standards institutes such as UNIT and LATU consist of mechanisms by which quality controls provide certificates of conformity with technical standards. What they do is make an assessment of consistency between product design and requirements of the standard, then an assessment of the production system to meet the standard. If this is positive given the approval of the prototypes created pro manufacturer and every now and then check if everything is working as it should.
There are also regulations for the prevention of risks related with job security, fire, etc.

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Theme 2 - Physical Construction

Construction Materials: Joint primary substances (extracted from nature) that through transformation processes are more or less complex used for the procurement of a building component.
materials can be classified according to various aspects:
- On the Origin: Natural
or is derived from low transformation processes, examples of which are wood, stone, sand, etc. Artificial
or is derived from high-transformation processes (technological) , Examples of which are glass, cement, etc.
- By the way:
or Amorphous, no geometric configuration defined by what takes the shape of their container.
or Semi-finished have defined cross section and variable length. Simple elements or
, have defined section and dimensions.
Of the materials studied 1) The internal structure and 2) The general properties .
1) Internal structure . A-
Mass: Amount of cash material is in a unit volume. B-
Vacuum: Amount of air in unit volume. These air chambers can be both large and small. The former allow air movement inside it and allow water condensation. In the other the air does not move which modify the thermal and acoustic. Between the air chambers can be recognized: b1-
Bubbles: closed chambers are small spherical or elliptical. Enable a good thermal insulation and low permeability. B2-
Poros : small cameras but are also interconnected with the outside (the air can circulate). Thermal conditions and will depend Cloths the size, shape and distribution. B3-
Hair: Are cameras or thinner than a hair like that link with the outside material. Capillary
: Physical phenomena or Cloths given above the socket. What happens is the rise of a liquid on the diameter and shape of the tube due to surface tension.
2) General Properties.
physical behavior (insulation, conductivity, absorption, capillarity, etc..) Is explained by the molecular structure, chemical composition and the material itself. The properties are: a-
Physical properties. A1-
forms and dimensions : How to add or remove without distorting. There are different ways: Juxtaposition, coupling and cuts. A2-
Specific Gravity (density) : Refers to the weight of a unit volume of a body. The denser, heavier body as d = P / V. As the volume
can distinguish which is the apparent dimensions of the body or which is the same way neglecting the empty space. Given these two definitions is that you can mention specific mass (I = P / VABS) and the unit weight (Mu = P / Vap). A3-
Porosity: The relationship between the volume of air (empty) and the apparent volume. P = Vvacíos / Vap Vap-being Vvacíos = VABS.
The porosity ranges between 0 and 1. The air has a high porosity (1). A4-
Compactness: The degree of density, ie the relationship between the absolute volume and apparent. C = VABS / Vap therefore has no unit of measurement. A compact material has C = 1 being the minimum compactness of 0.
The compactness and porosity are related as:
P + C = (Vap-VABS) / (Vap) + VABS / Vap = Vap / Vap = 1
a5- hygroscopicity or moisture : The property of some materials to absorb water and increase its weight. A clear example of this is wood. H = Pagua / Pmat.seco being Pagua = Phúmedo-PSEC => H = (Phúmedo-Pseco/Pseco) .100 because it is expressed as a percentage. A saturated body will have a H = 100%. A6-
Permeability: The property left some bodies go through a liquid (water in architecture) and will depend on the thickness, surface temperature (by heating the material expands and is more permeable); pressure (either air or carried by a liquid) or the nature of the material. A7-
Capillarity : is generated from the differences in surface tension between water and solids within a very small diameter tubes. There may be climbing or descending. Is very important to study the consequences that brings this phenomenon in architecture. A8-
Uniformity: A homogeneous body is one that appears in all respects identical molecular structure and retains its properties. B-
thermal properties. B1-
Heat: The quantity indicating the energy content of a body of molecular motion result. B2-
Temperature: Expresses the average intensity of energy. B3-
Specific heat or heat capacity : The amount of energy as heat required to raise the temperature 1 ° C per kilo. of a given material. B4-
Dilated is the increase in the volume of a body due to an increase in temperature. With increasing temperature the molecules vibrate more intensely need more space. It is important to study the extensibility of the material as those who have very different values \u200b\u200brequire expansion joints (widely used in openings). The concrete and steel behave similarly to temperature and can "work" together with no problem (reinforced concrete). B5-
Heat transfer: It is what allows the exchange of heat between a body and another. Such transmission can occur by conduction, which is exchanged through field (requires contact) convection, the exchange occurs from fluids because of the temperature difference between them, or by radiation in which the transmission occurs by electromagnetic waves.
is important to mention the concept of thermal conductivity which refers to the ability of a body to conduct heat and depends on both the thickness and the surface temperature difference, the nature of the material, etc. ..
b6- Reflection and absorption: The heat received by a body part is absorbed, partly reflected and partly transmitted. C-
acoustic properties. C1-
Isolation: The capacity of a body to prevent the passage of the sound wave and is related to the mass. The more compact material is more isolated from airborne noise. C2-
Absorption materials can reduce noise by absorbing within its mass. The more porous the material will absorb the sound. A clear example is the carpets, fabrics, etc. .. C3-
reverb Phenomenon: The time it takes for sound to go extinct. C4-Eco
d-mechanical properties.
These properties help us to know how much of each material to use. D1-
Resistance: is the greater or lesser degree of opposition of a material against forces that seek to distort it. Degree of resistance
: The relationship between active force and the section.
Voltage: T = F / a (a = surface). D2-
Tenacity: A stubborn body has large deformation before breaking. D3-
Fragility: A frail body breaks without visible distortion. A clear example is the glass which is instant failure. D4-
Elasticity: An elastic body is one that has the ability to deform and then obtaining the original configuration. D5-
Plasticity: is the ability to maintain the deformation after removal of the load maintaining internal cohesion and property. D6-
Stiffness: is the property that is awarded to the bodies for the same effort suffered minor deformations (the conclusions are derived from comparisons). D7-
Hardness: is the resistance of a body to be penetrated or scratched by another. There are several ways to measure. Briner scale (penetration pressure steel ball); The Mohs scale (consisting of a superficial scratch, is if the material is shredded or grated). D8-
Isotropy: An isotropic material has the same conditions (especially mechanical) regardless of the direction considered. Eg wood is anisotropic because conditions vary depending on the direction in which force is applied. E-
technological properties. E1-
Separation: is the possibility of suitable size and shape by cutting or division. E2-
Aggregation: Allows joining materials of the same species or not, by physical-chemical processes. E3-
Transformations: Those that alter the material without separation or aggregation. (The set in concrete). E4-
Workability: alludes to shape by beating and may be related to the heat. E5-
Malleability: Those materials that can be made blades are said to be malleable. An example is the metal. E6-
Ductility: Those materials which can wire are said to be ductile. The metal is also an example. E7-
Plasticity: is when the material has the ability to retain new ways. E8-
Weldability: When materials can be joined by heat. Examples are metal and plastic.
f-chemical properties. F1-
Composition: is the quantity and quality of the components that make up the material. F2-
Stability: measures the material's ability to last in the face external agents. F3-
Solubility: The ability to be dissolved in a solvent. If the pH is less than seven is said to be an acidic environment, if more than seven is basic, and if seven is neutral. G-
organoleptic properties. G1-
Vision: is related to the overall color is an aesthetic quality, but often gives clues for other features. The light shines in space, it should be how much influence depends on the type of use. G2-
Touch: Relates to the texture, which not only defines the surface characteristics but focuses on the aesthetic and acoustic. G3-
Smell: materials often have distinctive odors, especially those that are organic. G4-
Ear: Each material has its own audio feedback from the impact.